Give to 3C

Generosity is a high priority at 3C. Living generously is not just a good idea, it’s God’s idea. See, God designed us in his image, and part of being made in the image of God, is that we are made to be generous, like He is. Part of our sinful struggle though is the battle against greed and selfishness. As a result… Money follows your heart, and your heart follows money

Jesus said it this way… Matthew 6:24, "No one can serve two masters. Either you will hate the one and love the other, or you will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve both God and money.”

In other words…Money follows your heart, and your heart follows money.

See humanity’s obsession with money is our biggest temptation to nudge God to the margins of our lives instead of the center of our lives. God doesn’t need your money, but he does want your heart. You’re whole heart! He knows that if you decide to regularly give him a small percentage of your income, he will be more likely to have your whole heart. Every dollar you give, from what you earn, will help ensure that your heart stays in his hands. That’s because money follows your heart, and your heart follows money.

There is a practical side to generosity too. God loves a partnership with us. In other words He loves to nurture a relationship, a working relationship with us. When we give financially we’re investing in the work God is doing through the people of 3C. 

We’re excited about what God is doing in and through 3C! If you are a part of our 3C family or believe in what God is doing through 3C, God wants to partner with us. When 3C puts its money where it’s mouth is, God partners with us to be GOOD NEWS. We would love to see what God will do with 3C when our hearts are trusting him and generosity is the result. 

Our Ministry Partners

Here at 3C church we want to partner with missions around the world as well as in our own community. We are Here to be good news where we live work and play. Our hope is to see our church family step out in faith to partner with that mission as well. Here are some of that organizations you could take the Next step in that mission. By giving to 3C you are also giving the ministries that we support as well.

If you would like to know more about each mission click on the logos below (except for CAS who doesn't have a public link).